Welcome to
Al Hafidhoon Academy Cardiff
By the mercy of Allah, Al Hafidhoon has now been operating for over 5 years benefitting students and youngsters from different parts of the UK including Luton, Birmingham, London, Ireland and other locations.
We are excited to announce the launch of our new branch for you in Cardiff operating out of Dar Us-Salam Masjid where we will be running classes on weekday evenings for both boys & girls (on seperate days).
What is our vision?
We are very passionate about working with and developing our future generations helping them be the best Muslims they can be, building love and connection with Allah Azza Wajall and being connected to the Masjid. We believe that our children deserve to be given Tarbiyya and guidance to tackle the difficulties they go through going up. We try our best to run activities with the children, parents and teachers allowing bonds to be created. This creates a unique experience for all involved. Experiences that are memorable for years to come.
The aim of our classes is to both educate and develop our students whilst making it an enjoyable experience. Classes are limited to a maximum of 15 students per class allowing the teacher to spend more time with each child and the group.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us at contact@alhafidhoonacademy.co.uk or call us at 0800 009 6879
Would you like to be involved in this amazing initiative? Drop us an email now at contact@alhafidhoonacademy.co.uk and be a part of something great.